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medical tourism1


Medical Tourism and Healthcare Agency Services



Health Records

Secured & HIPAA Compliant

Once you contact us through our online portal, telephone or email, a certified medical travel specialist and patient representative will reach out to you to gather more information on your desired needs.


Trip Planning

Concierge Medical Travel Options

After you have decided on a treatment plan, we will provide you with trip planning options. You can choose from our service options which include scheduling, flight, transportation, a personal guide during your visit, city tours, car rental and more.



Private Luxury Suite

We are happy to make lodging reservations suited to your needs and budget. Our team can help with reduced rates at most hotels and have discounted deals with hotels proximal to your care location.




Price Quote

Personalized Treatment Plan

Suitable medical travel candidates are contacted by our provider to discuss diagnosis and potential treatment plan options. We will provide you with a list of surgeons and curated providers who we have negotiated reduced prices on adminstrative costs, surgeries, procedures and medication services.


24-Hour Service Providers

We know that medical travel can be somewhat stressful so we have streamlined the process for you, so you can relax and focus on a healthy recovery. While providing the best treatments and services, we will be by your side throughout your treatment and visit.


Medical Tourism