If you’ve decided that you’re finished growing your family, a vasectomy could be the perfect choice. Vasectomy is one of the most effective forms of birth control for men. At their offices in Los Gatos and San Jose, Dr. Javid Ob/Gyn offers vasectomies performed by an experienced urologist. To determine if a vasectomy is the right option for you, call the office today (408) 729-8111) or schedule a consultation online.


Vascetomy Q & A

What’s a vasectomy?

A vasectomy is a surgical procedure that serves as a permanent form of birth control for men. During the procedure, your urologist at Dr. Javid Ob/Gyn cuts or seals the tube that carries your sperm to your semen so it can no longer get through to fertilize an egg. Instead, your body reabsorbs the sperm.

While some vasectomies can be reversed, you should be certain that you no longer want to father children before undergoing the procedure.


What are the benefits of a vasectomy?

The most important benefit of a vasectomy is that it’s a very effective form of birth control — nearly 100% effective. The vasectomy is an outpatient procedure that poses minimal risks to you and tends to be less invasive and costly than tubal ligation (female sterilization). 

Dr. Javid Ob/Gyn recommends vasectomy over tubal ligation because there are fewer complications and less recovery time with vasectomies. Tubal ligations have a higher risk, and, while rare, fatalities can occur. 


What can I expect during a vasectomy?

A vasectomy is an outpatient procedure and is done using a local anesthetic, so you don’t feel any discomfort during your surgery. The procedure usually doesn’t take more than 30 minutes.

After our urologist has numbed the area with an anesthetic, they make a small incision in the upper part of your scrotum, find the vas deferens — the tube that carries your sperm to your semen — and seal it shut. Your incision is then closed.


How long does it take to recover from a vasectomy?

You can experience some bruising and mild discomfort after your vasectomy, but you should start to feel better within a few days. Your urologist can recommend over-the-counter pain medication and ice packs as needed. You might also need to limit your activities, including intercourse, for a time following your vasectomy.

While a vasectomy is a very effective form of birth control, its effects aren’t immediate. You should continue to use an alternate method of birth control during intercourse.

Your urologist at Dr. Javid Ob/Gyn will test your ejaculate about three months after your surgery to ensure that no sperm are present. You should continue to use birth control until you get the all-clear. It can take several months for sperm to no longer be present in your semen.

A vasectomy is an effective form of birth control. To learn more and see if it’s right for you, call Dr. Javid Ob/Gyn or request an appointment online today.